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5 Reasons to Drive Your Diesel Truck to Christmas Celebrations


Updated: Oct 22, 2024

Christmas is right around the corner and many of us will have to travel at least once to attend holiday celebrations. Some of us get to stay pretty close to home, while others may have longer trips ahead of them. These longer drives may require some planning, and while your fill in the blank may offer better miles to the gallon, the truck cannot be overlooked as your own personal sleigh this Christmas.

After all, do you think Santa would still choose the Reindeer if he had an entire fleet of sweet trucks stacked with the best aftermarket upgrades? I think not.

So let’s review the top reasons your should drive your truck to Christmas Celebrations in 2024.

You’re the Ultimate Santa

Building off of our Santa reference, what do you think can carry the largest, most badass Christmas gifts – the family car or the truck? Not only do you have enough power and room to pull all of those big gifts around, but you’re going to look cool while doing so.

You Could Be Someone’s Hero

Imagine driving to or from your Christmas event and you see someone stuck in a snowbank on the side of the road – Wouldn’t it fill you full of Christmas cheer to give them a pull out of there? You could be someone’s hero! This actually happened to me in 2002 and some bro in a Duramax helped me out. (Editors Note: Thank you Duramax dude, I still owe you a beer.)

You Could Be Your Own Hero

What if you went into the ditch? You can save face, time and a few hundred swear words if you just take the truck.

Towing Power Will Be Useful After Dinner and Desert

If you’re anything like me, you may be looking forward to dinner and desert more than anything this Christmas. And if you are planning on trying a little bit of everything (like I am) than you might head back home with a few extra pounds above your belt. It’s times like these that a little extra horsepower can do us some good.

Rudolph’s Nose or A Sweet LED Bar?

Driving a car to Christmas is like being led by Rudolph’s nose. Sure, it will get you from point A to point B but nothing lights up the road better than your truck decked out with some cool aftermarket LED lights. Afterall, safety should be the #1 priority here…

So get on out there in those Cummins, Duramax, and Powerstroke trucks and start delivering some Christmas cheer in 2024!

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